They ask for help for the operation of a young patient with cancer


"They say that asking for help is one of the most difficult things.One of the best people I've met in life has cancer, my brother , and I want to ask for help for him " Andrés Jattar explains in a message posted on social networks.He asks for help to his brother who has to face an expensive operation. 19659002] In this way, he launches a collection to collect 500,000 pesos required for a complex operation of his brother, Martín Jattar, suffering from brain cancer

Alexis Jattar, lives in Santa Rosa, La Pampa. His brother says that "at age 28, on July 28, Martin played a football game with his friends, he decompensated and had a convulsive attack. That afternoon, he was transported to the hospital. With the pbadage of hours, days, more studies and a small surgery, he was diagnosed with cancer in the brain. In the case of my brother, a very special one. It is called "diffuse astrocytoma" and it is grade II which, for these life injustices, has been revealed conbad (since birth).

"It's been four years since she's fighting, sometimes better, times worse." In recent weeks, Martin has had several complications due to the course of the disease. Given the characteristics and size of the lesion, traditional surgery is not viable, nor chemotherapy or radiotherapy, "explains Andrés.

"After touching several doors and evaluating several options, we were able to locate a neurosurgeon. recognized that works with a technology called "Gamma Knife". In short, it is a device that irradiates gamma rays in a very localized and accurate way to solve different brain conditions, without the need to open the skull, avoiding damaging vital functions ", he explains

"The cost of this intervention is approximately $ 500,000, my brother does not have prepaid medical coverage and this amount is inaccessible to me and my parents, so I ask for it." help everyone who reads this message, "he says. "Any amount of money contributes, no matter how small," he adds.

He asked that if they do not want to collaborate, they should spread the story. "Good energies, good wishes, and even that many of you direct your thoughts to my brother for a few moments, also help," says Andrés.

Account data is: Martín Alexis Jattar. Cooked: 20-37217431-6. Banco Santander Rio. CBU: 0720102488000040016722. Direction 102, Santa Rosa (LP) Account number: 400167/2.
The publication also explains that the help can be made by Mercado Pago on your behalf to be able to accept donations with credit and debit cards, as well as Rapipago and Pagofacil.

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