They ask to sentence Echegaray to 12 years for the false complaint to Prat Gay – Telam


The complaint of Alfonso Prat Gay was intended to sentence the former head of the AFIP, Ricardo Echegaray to twelve years in prison, for allegedly inculcating the fake aggravated testimony and the violation of the secret, to following a false complaint linking him to an illegal badociation and an escape.

Dafne Palopoli, of the prosecutor at the Federal Courts 4, requested that Echegaray be sentenced to two years imprisonment for suspending a "breach of secrecy and abuse of power", saying that there was no evidence to convict him. "instigate" the false complaint.

The prosecution claimed the harshest sentence, namely three years and six months of actual imprisonment, against one of Echegaray's former subordinates, Horacio Curien. .

Prat Gay's lawyer, Alejandro Carrió, opened the day of charges by demanding that Echegaray be found guilty for "instigating the falsification of false testimony in a real fight against the violation of secrets and the abuse of power "with" absolute lapse "for the penalty of holding a public office.

He did so at the end of a final plea in which he had asked to be sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for "false aggravated testimony" of two other officials of the agency of recovery, Pedro Roveda and Horacio Curien, following the events of 2014.


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