They ask to treat Calcaterra and the officials for bribes in the burial of Sarmiento


The federal prosecutor Franco Picardi appealed the lack of merit dictated to the entrepreneurs involved in the cause of burial of the railway Sarmiento and asked the Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires to sue the president's cousin Mauricio Macri and former owner of Iecsa, Angelo Calcaterraand the rest of the executives and private investigators have been investigated for alleged bribes to former Kirchner officials.

Picardi requested that 15 members of the companies Iecsa, Ghella and Comsa be prosecuted for the alleged active bribery crime, after the judge of the case ruled on the case, Marcelo Martínez de Giorgiexclude the merits of the private parties involved in the case.

Business man Marcelo Odebrecht, the central partner of the work, and the leaders of his company were not investigated because the authorities have not yet signed a collaboration agreement with Brazil to remove legal obstacles and to be able to collect the testimony of the repentant. Wash jato, in Curitiba.

Archives | Burying: complicating local partners in Odebrecht and a Uruguayan company

The prosecutor also appealed Héctor Javier Sánchez Caballero, former CEO of Iecsa, and Héctor Ramón Castro, of the Spanish company Comsa. Both were the only ones to be deprived by the judge, who had found them responsible for the crime of offering gifts to a public official, but Picardi asked that they also be prosecuted for active bribery, c & rsquo; For corruption, a more serious crime.

According to the prosecutor, the bribes are proven in the record. However, the judge had established that the evidence was not sufficient to prosecute those involved in corruption cases.

About the former minister Julio de Vido, the prosecutor asked to deepen the investigation to determine whether he received bribes or not.

Picardi stated that, in the case at hand, it had been proved that the members of the consortium companies that won the call for tenders to burn the Sarmiento railway had poured pots to officials of the then Federal Planning Department for the allocation and continuity of the work. For this reason, he also asked that ex-secretaries of transport be prosecuted for pbadive bribery, Ricardo Jaime and Juan Pablo Schiavi; to the former official Roberto Baratta; and the secretary of public works of the time, José López. In addition, he requested that he be treated as the necessary participants of the bribe to Manuel Vázquez and Jorge "Corcho" Rodríguez, considered an intermediary in the system of corruption.



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