They asked for juice for their baby at the restaurant and served a liquid detergent: he is in a coma | Chronic


It arrived in France. A 22-month-old baby is in a coma because she took a liquid dish detergent that was mistakenly served in a restaurant in the town of Pornic, in the Loire-Atlantique department.

On August 1, the girl 's parents had asked her daughter for juice, but the waiter had served her a glbad of sodium – hydroxide – based industrial detergent, a substance used to unblock the pipes. evacuation. The baby drank the liquid and immediately vomited.

Surprised by his reaction, his parents decided to try the glbad and finished the three in the hospital.. "I thought it was alcohol", "I burned my lips"said the father, who also said that some of the detergent that fell on his daughter's dress had even caused skin burns. For him, it was a "gross negligence".

According to local police investigations, the incident was caused by a series of errors. First, a restaurant employee spilled the cleaning product into a container used for juices and left it outside the kitchen.

Later, another employee, believing it was a drink, placed the container in the refrigerator. And finally, a server served the contents of this container in the glbad for the baby.

The girl is still in the intensive care unit, but her father said that her life was no longer in danger, although doctors warned her that she was at risk of losing his esophagus. The restaurant representatives apologized and showed their support for the affected family.


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