They asked the investigation of journalist Clarín Daniel Santoro


This is because of the bribes of the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli. This was done by Natalia Salvo, a lawyer for Pedro Etchebest.

April 11, 2019

Daniel Santoro becomes more complicated every day. The lawyers of Pedro Etchebest, at the origin of this scandal that grows every day, have asked that I quoted him for interrogation for their participation in illegal intelligence operations. "The premeditated and specific articulation between the mechanisms of intimidation and extortion of Marcelo D'Alessio with journalistic notes and the participation in television of Daniel Santoro in his role as panelist for the program "Animal Sueltos" and in his journalistic articles published in the Diario Clarín, account for a synchronized gear in order to consume the extortion and intimidating reaction in the psyche of the declarants"Said the letter to which he accepted The Destape.For Etchebest's lawyers, the same material was used against his client and, at least, in the case of the former CEO of PDVSA. Gonzalo Brusa Dovat and the entrepreneur Mario Cifuentes.

L & # 39; lawyer Natalia Salvo next to his colleague Eduardo Nigro they stated that "there are you suspect enough concerning the participation of Mr Santoro in the maneuvers constituting the crime of an unlawful badociation which has been the subject of an investigation "before the court of Alejo Ramos Padilla.

To integrate

In the letter, they point out that Santoro's role in the organization dedicated to intelligence operations and various extortions was not least, since his notes in Clarin and his participation in the program Animals in bulk were fundamental for the illegal spy Marcelo D'Alessio he showed his power to the victims of these operations.

"With regard to the alleged involvement of Mr. Daniel Santoro in the illicit organization that seeks illegal espionage, extortion, intimidation and coercion maneuvers in order to create trials, obtain non-voluntary statements, etc., it is clear from the statements of Mr. Gonzalo Brusa Dovat and sir Marcelo Cifuentes"The lawyers explained in the brief that Judge Ramos Padilla will now badyze.

It should be recalled that in the case of PDVSA's former director, Brusa Dovat, Santoro's participation included an interview under extortion, which was supplied despite D'Alessio threatened his victim in front of him. In the case of Cifuentes, in addition to the notes of Clarin, there were deliberate mentions in the program Animals in bulk The lawyers who requested their investigation said: "With respect to the testimony of Mr. Cifuentes, Mr. Marcelo D'Alessio extorted himself in order to sell his oil company OPS and face to the categorical refusal of the declarant, D'Alessio told him to prepare to watch the TV show "Animales Sueltos." That day, the journalist Santoro, instead of naming the company OAS , mentions the company of Cifuentes 'OPS', in perfect synchronization with the exorbitant maneuver of D'Alessio. Repeat this mention the next day "


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