They asked to investigate Jair Bolsonaro’s wife: the reasons


Opposition MP Marcelo Freixo on Friday asked the public prosecutor to investigate a suspected influence peddling that I could have incurred Michelle bolsonaro, wife of the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.

Freixo, of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), justified this request in a report published this Friday by the Crusoe said, according to which the first lady would have exerted her influence so that companies of friends and activists of the extreme right have access to soft loans of the Caixa Económica Federal.

At the same time, the conservative Novo party demanded an explanation on this subject from the Ministry of the Economy, on which this public bank depends.

According to Crusoe, who has obtained official documents on some of the cases, the credits were part of special plans the government adopted last year in an attempt to minimize the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on small and medium-sized businesses. .

“From the office of the first lady, Michelle bolsonaro, there have been demands that the Federal Economic Caixa, operator of the government-subsidized aid system, take care of a small group of businesses, ”the magazine said.

Among the beneficiaries of these alleged maneuvers are the First Lady’s private hairdresser, her “favorite” florist, “the confectioner who provides her with her desserts”, an event organizer who organizes family celebrations, and certain businesses in the area of the fashion they have as a client.

In certain documents obtained by Crusoe, including e-mails, requests for acceleration of credits, addressed to the management of the bank, specify that the case had already been discussed by telephone “by Ms. Michelle and Mr. Pedro Guimaraes”, president of la Caixa.


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