They attack the helicopter in which Iván Duque, President of Colombia, was traveling


The helicopter in which the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, and the Chief of Defense, Diego Molano, were traveling was shot at this Friday.

According to official sources reported on the radio snail, there were no injuries.

In the military helicopter you received between three and six strokesAccording to the main Colombian media, the Minister of the Interior, Daniel Palacios, and the governor of Norte de Santander, Silvano Serrano, were also on the move.

Some of the bullets that hit the helicopter carrying Colombian President Iván Duque.  Photo: EFE

Some of the bullets that hit the helicopter carrying Colombian President Iván Duque. Photo: EFE

The flight carrying the president had left the municipality of Sardinata and was allegedly attacked from a hill.

After the shocks, he had to make an emergency landing at Cúcuta airport, in the northern department of Santander.

More bullet holes in the Colombian presidential helicopter.  Photo: EFE

More bullet holes in the Colombian presidential helicopter. Photo: EFE

After arriving, Duque spoke of the attack: “Both the aerial device and the capability of the aircraft prevented something deadly from happening. It’s a cowardly attack, where we see bullet holes towards the presidential plane, ”he explained.

Then he added: “As a government, we are not going to falter for a single minute or a single day in the fight against drug trafficking, terrorism and the organized criminal organizations operating in the country.”

President Duque, after the emergency landing.

President Duque, after the emergency landing.

The president said the government would not give in to threats. “I want to reiterate this message, here they do not intimidate us with violence or acts of terrorism. Our State is strong and Colombia is strong to face these threats, ”he said.

Regarding the investigation of the attack, he said: “I gave very clear instructions to the entire security team of pursue those who shot the planeHey, they’re putting other people’s lives at risk, too. The message is that Colombia is always strong in the face of crime and our institutions are above any threat. “

President Duque condemned the attack. "They don't intimidate us with violence", he claimed.  Photo Presidency of Colombia

President Duque condemned the attack. “They don’t intimidate us with violence,” he said. Photo Presidency of Colombia

“I condemn the attack on President @IvanDuque’s helicopter transporting us from Sardinata, after completing the Peace with Legality, Sustainable Catatumbo conference. We are all well thanks to God. Terrorism and violence do not intimidate us, we are moving forward! “Governor Serrano posted on his Twitter account.

Before the attack, Duque had participated in the “Peace with legality” conference and in the analysis of the results of an improvement plan for the region of Norte de Santander, one of the hardest hit by poverty and violence.

Photos of the helicopter of the President of Colombia, Iván Duque.

Photos of the helicopter of the President of Colombia, Iván Duque.

The helicopter had to make an emergency landing.

The helicopter had to make an emergency landing.

With information from Telam



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