They attacked gypsies in Paris and sent Snapchat on false rumors about a "kidnapping of white kids"


French police arrested 20 people after a series of attacks against gypsies in the suburbs of Paris after the spread on social networks of rumors on the alleged abduction of children in a white jumpsuit.

The attacks took place Sunday and Monday evening in Clichy-sous-Bois and Bobigny, a popular suburb north-east of Paris.

These attacks seem to have been motivated by false information broadcast on social networks. Publications pointed to people who drove a white jumpsuit They had tried to kidnap boys and girls from the area.

Some of the false news that circulated in the networks. Photo: newspaper Le Parisien.
Some of the false news that circulated in the networks. Photo: newspaper Le Parisien.

In videos that have been circulating on social networks, we see young people attacking a white van and threatening and insulting the driver.

French police said that it was a "unfounded rumor" and that kidnappings in the area had not been reported. They also alerted on this "false news" on their Twitter account.

#FakeNews | Circle A white van between the cities of Nanterre and Colombes to kidnap young women.
Following the sharing of rumors on social networks, 2 people were unjustly accused and lynched.
Do not relay this false information.

– Police Prefecture (@prefpolice) March 25, 2019

"They wanted to kill us"

"They carried Molotov bombs and threw stones at us. They wanted to kill us"he explained to the news agency AFP Georgi, living in a gypsy camp in Bobigny, near Paris.

"They are accusing us of stealing children," said the 60-year-old man with tears in his eyes, an "urban myth" about gypsies that has circulated at least since the Middle Ages.

The gypsy camp of Bobigny, where live about 150 people. Photo: AFP.
The gypsy camp of Bobigny, where live about 150 people. Photo: AFP.

"Since then, we are afraid. We do not sleep, we stand guard"Explained Georghe Marcus, one of the 150 gypsies arrived from Romania, Serbia or Moldavia who lives in poverty on this land by a cbad.

The Bobigny gypsy camp, where about 250 people live. Photo: AFP.
The Bobigny gypsy camp, where about 250 people live. Photo: AFP.

These facts show "the absolute need to fight against false news"said the spokesman of the French government, Benjamin Griveaux.

This Wednesday, a total of 34 gypsy camps in the area had been placed in police custody.

In France, between 15,000 and 20,000 Roma live mainly in Central and Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria and other countries of the former Yugoslavia).


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