They attacked with explosive a tourist omnibus in Egypt


At least 17 people were injured today by a bomb attack on a tourist bus near the Giza pyramids in Egypt, international press reported.

The bomb exploded near a railway crossing located just over a kilometer from the Cheops pyramid, 23 kilometers southwest of Cairo.

The explosion caused the destruction of a concrete wall and the glbad of the collective that was carrying about 25 tourists and damaged a car, according to the ANSA news agency.

The Egyptian government reported "some minor injuries", "after being transferred to the hospital as a precautionary measure".

In addition, media outlets such as Al Jazeera and Sky News Arabiya sent 17 wounded, including seven South African tourists.

The attack, which until tonight had not been claimed by any organization, is the second of its kind in the region in five months.

Last December, three Vietnamese tourists and a tour guide were killed by a bomb blast when a bus pbaded.


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