They auctioned off a letter from Beethoven for over 200 mi …


Nail paper by the famous German composer Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was auctioned in the United States for $ 275,000 (approximately 230,000 euros), or four times more than what the auction house had expected.

This is one of the highest prices ever reached in recent years for a piece of writing by the musician from Bonn. Before the auction, the price should be around $ 60,000. “It was a total surprise, as it goes beyond the money his letters normally save,” said Sandra Palomino, manager of rare manuscripts at Heritage Auctions.

In the handwritten one-page letter, Beethoven asks a man by the surname “Von Baumann” to return the notes for a piano trio and promises to return them in a few days with a violin sonata. “Beethoven rarely comes out on the market, pBut it fascinated people because he talks about their music “, Palomino said.

Judges from the American auction house also said the letter, although slightly wrinkled and yellowish, was in good condition.

Additionally, Heritage Auctions reported that the letter’s new owner is a pianist who wishes to remain anonymous. “Beethoven was my refuge in my childhood,” said the auction house. She added that the letter meant a lot to her and that the reason for her purchase was give it to a music academy in New York where he studied.

According to Heritage Auctions, the pianist had already bought a lock of Beethoven’s hair two years ago.


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