They auctioned the hull of a Falklands exile and his family was unable to recover it.


For days, the sons of Miguel Manuel "Toto" Navarro, An Argentine pilot in the Falklands war, they tried to prevent his father's helmet from being auctioned over the Internet. But they did not succeed. This Saturday, a stranger bought it for over $ 15,000 and in this way was left with an object with his own story that was an exclusive witness of the battles in the South Atlantic.

The story of Navarro has come to TN and the people and since then, the citizen journalism portal has been following the case closely. In fact, the helmet was auctioned with an initial value of u $ s 160 until reaching $ 15,769, a value impossible to pay for Veronica and Mauricio, children of "Toto".

The hull was auctioned for a total of $ 15,769. The family could not get it back.
The hull was auctioned for a total of $ 15,769. The family could not get it back.

"We are calm, that's it, we will not try to find the buyer, the idea was to end the auction through the diplomatic channel, we could not and we put end point in historyVerónica briefly commented on this media, just hours after reading the news.

The Pucará who piloted Navarro in the Museum of Norwich, England. SOURCE (
The Pucará who piloted Navarro in the Museum of Norwich, England. SOURCE (

Navarro was leader of the Pucará squadron and piloted an Alpha 528 throughout the war. His plane is in a museum in England but his helmet, which he left during the surrender on the islands, went from hand to hand and was offered to the highest bidder.

In 2018, the story of Alejandro Marcelo Goezelany, an Argentine soldier who separated from his helmet in 1982 and found him 36 years later, was made public thanks to the contribution of Edward Coodall, an English collector who bought it and returned it.


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