They began to restore for the first time the golden sarcophagus of Tutankhamun | Chronic


The restoration works of the golden sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun began this Sunday and could last between 8 and 9 months.

This is the first time that a work of restoration of the sarcophagus will be done where are the remains of the famous pharaoh since its discovery in 1922.

"We hope that in eight to nine months of work we will achieve a good degree of preservation"said the Egyptian official at the Grand Museum of Egypt (GEM).

The Tutankhamun collection is one of the most valuable and popular tourist attractions in Egypt.

The coffin, one of the three component tombs, was transferred in mid-July from the Valley of Luxor Kings to the Grand Museum of Egypt, under construction near the Giza pyramids.

"There you will have your own space in the new museum, where you can see Pharaoh's famous brightly colored mask, sandals and jewels, in addition to his golden throne in galleries dedicated entirely to Pharaoh", they reported.

The sarcophagus is being restored to be exhibited at the Egyptian Grand Museum.

The sarcophagus in gilded wood outside measures 2.23 meters. It is decorated with the portrait of the young king with the pharaonic symbols, the scepter and the plague.

In the last century, cracks appeared "in the layers of gold plaster, especially those of the cover and the base", informed the ministry, who then decided restoration work

The ship, carved in stone, is in poor condition as it remained closed for 97 years because the British archaeologist Howard Carter He discovered the intact tomb after 3000 years and the treasures it contained.


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