They berated Daniel Filmus on a plane: “They’re sinking us, I haven’t worked for a year and a half”


A passenger reprimanded Daniel Filmus, Secretary of the Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, when he was back from the United States, where he attended a meeting of the United Nations Decolonization Committee and the video went viral on social media.

Filmus was sitting in one of the first seats when an Argentinian passenger started scolding him. “You should be traveling on Airlines, not here. You should be ashamed of yourself, they are sinking the country, ”he began.

I came for the United Nations. They send us the ticketsFilmus then explained to try to calm the uncomfortable situation.

Spokesperson for the specified official that Filmus was returning from the Decolonization Committee for the Cause of the Malvinas, where support for the resolution approved by Argentina in the dispute with the United Kingdom was voted unanimously ”. In addition, they reported that the official did not fly on the plane for Aerolineas Argentinas because the state-owned company is not going to New York He also did not choose the passage in first class because it was assigned automatically, as indicated by Decree 1190/2004, which sets all the guidelines for official missions abroad.

“They sink us”

“They sink us, they make us poor. Daniel has not worked for a year and a half. You should be ashamed of yourself. “continued the young man, who recorded the whole scene on his cell phone.” You don’t know what it is for a child my age to want to leave the country because of people like you. They are a plague. He declared, accusing the government of causing an exodus of young people.

So Filmus retorted that “he works every day”. “We are killing ourselves by working every day,” he said of the government.

“No, they don’t work, they fly as they have for the past twelve years and as they will continue to do. Because the country project they have is that. The next time you get on an American plane you should be ashamed, “he concluded, while Filmus he put his headphones back on to end the discussion. The young man then withdrew, not without first insulting the official copiously.

The video was posted on Twitter by Cecilia Lastreto, who in her biography defines herself as “still from JXC”, the opposition alliance “Together for Change”.

“Call for dialogue”

On Thursday, Filmus said on his Twitter account that “together with Foreign Minister Felipe Solá, we reiterate the call for dialogue for a peaceful resolution of the Malvinas issue before the United Nations Decolonization Committee. There is no more room for colonialism in the 21st century ”.

Secretary of the Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic, Daniel Filmus, and Foreign Minister Felipe Solá, before the UN Special Committee on Decolonization. (Photo: Telam / Prensa Filmus).

The United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) adopted by consensus a new resolution that reiterates the call on the United Kingdom and Argentina to resume peaceful negotiations to resolve the dispute over territorial sovereignty and resources of the Malvinas Islands. , South Georgia, South Sandwich and surrounding maritime areas, based on resolution 2065.

The resolution “reflects the voice of the international community in its sincere desire that the sovereignty conflict can be resolved as quickly as possible in a peaceful manner,” Filmus told the agency. Telam

“We are really very satisfied because it was not just a consensus vote on the resolution but it had to be, of all the resolutions, the one that garnered the most explicit support,” Filmus told the newspaper. Profile after the New York meeting.

“We are not hearing anyone speak in favor of UK sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. No united country has come to express its agreement with self-determination or the sovereignty of the United Kingdom over the Malvinas. It expresses what is the consensus that exists at the global level and which is seen from the UK’s point of view as colonial, ”he added.

The resolution approved today was co-sponsored by all Latin American countries that are members of the Special Committee: Chile, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Likewise, during the discussion of the matter, the delegations of China, Russia, Indonesia, Syria, Sierra Leone, Antigua and Barbuda, Timor-Leste and Saint -Vincent and the Grenadines also spoke in favor of Argentina.

During the session, numerous statements were heard in favor of Argentina’s rights by the countries of the region, including interventions on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac); the Member States and Associated States of Mercosur, as well as the Central American Integration System (SICA), delivered respectively by Mexico, Paraguay and Costa Rica; while Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay spoke nationally.

The function of the C-24, created in 1961 as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly, is to ensure the implementation of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) and, within this framework, annually examines the 17 remaining colonial situations. resolution, including the Malvinas question, which has been classified by the Organization itself as a special and particular case.


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