They blame a teacher for having sex with one student and sending hot photos to another | Chronic


The state of Alabama in the United States is affected by the case of a teacher who was recently accused of having sex with a 17-year-old student and who also sent explicit text and pictures to another 16-year-old girl.

Lyndsey Sherrod Bates resigned March 29 from Madison County High School. To do this, he wrote in his resignation letter that he wanted to work in a "Different Education Zone". However, on the same day, she and her husband, less than a year old, separated and four months later, they were already divorced.

However, five weeks later, she was arrested for allegedly sending nude photos to two students and having sex with one of them. The students were not part of the special education classes she taught at the institute.

In the event of conviction, Bate would face up to 20 years in prison. "She is eager to clarify this and have her day in court.", said Bate's lawyer, Robert Tuten, in the middle

The teacher, this Thursday, has disabled his Facebook account. The judge paid particular attention to her case because she is the former daughter-in-law of a deputy chief of the Sheriff's County Sheriff's Office.

In addition, before entering the school where the events would have occurred, he removed a background check. She said in her resignation letter that she was considering seeking a position in "another area of ​​education", according to records.

In Alabama, the age of consent is 16, when it is legal to have sex with a minor. However, sexual laws between teachers and students say that "Consent is not a defense."


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