They blocked a stand on the Michoacán road: they demanded the appearance of the activist Raúl Medrano Álvarez alive


He was 'bred' in the town of Nueva Italia de Ruiz on June 6 (Photo: Twitter / @ sct_michoacan)
He was “bred” in the town of Nueva Italia de Ruiz on June 6 (Photo: Twitter / @ sct_michoacan)

In the Highway Pátzcuaro-Lázaro Cárdenas, inhabitants of the municipalities of New Urecho and Taretan they blocked the box up to the latter: they manifested demanding the appearance living off activist Raúl Medrano Álvarez.

The victim was “raised”In the town of Nueva Italia de Ruiz on June 6.

Residents of the two towns, just two days ago, also prevented the passage of trucks and vehicles at the booth asking state authorities to begin searching for the activist. Medrano Álvarez participated in the defense of fruit and sugar cane producing plots.

They blamed a man named Miguel Ángel Gallegos Godoy (Photo: Twitter / @ sct_michoacan)
They blamed a man named Miguel Ángel Gallegos Godoy (Photo: Twitter / @ sct_michoacan)

Thanks to its Twitter account, the Ministry of Communications and Transport (TBS) of Michoacán reported that the blocking on the road was recorded in the Uruapan-Nueva Italia Section at kilometer 108.

Photographs released by the agency revealed that some of the protesters wore banners with the photo of the missing person and they blamed to a named subject Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy. “Responsible of the disappearance of our colleague and brother from our barricades ”, we can read.

Raúl Medrano Álvarez too police officer auxiliary, visited Nueva Italia with her family last Sunday: it is in this city that a group of unknown subjects they kidnapped.

Residents of Taretan also took over the highway kiosk on June 8. They demanded the living appearance of Cindy Guadalupe Rodriguez, 22, disappeared on June 4 when leaving his home in the community of Tahuajo.

Raúl Medrano Álvarez, also an auxiliary police officer, visited Nueva Italia with his family last Sunday: it was in this town that a group of unknown subjects kidnapped him (Photo: Twitter / @ sct_michoacan)
Raúl Medrano Álvarez, also an auxiliary police officer, visited Nueva Italia with his family last Sunday: it was in this town that a group of unknown subjects kidnapped him (Photo: Twitter / @ sct_michoacan)

Local media reported that the young woman’s body was found in the Mata community of Plátano on Thursday. lifeless and with traces of violence.

The company, located in Coalcomán, rose to fame in 2019 when Andrés Manuel López Obrador had breakfast there during his work tour.

Marguerite Galvez, owner of a birria, was murdered. Subsequently, the place was set on fire. Volunteer firefighters attended the scene to put out the flames, but it was declared total loss.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited the birrería located in Coalcomán in 2019 (Photo: File)
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited the birrería located in Coalcomán in 2019 (Photo: File)

It was Friday morning when unknown subjects They burned down the well-known place where goat birrias are sold. Gálvez, owner of the premises, was assassinated.

The staff of the State Attorney General you have already opened a research file.

The events took place in the store on Ixtala Boulevard, in the Tinoco Rubí neighborhood. Witnesses told police that gunshots were heard and then they noticed the fire, others mentioned that those responsible were subjected to fire arms who then shot the owner, sprayed gasoline on the property and set it on fire.

For this reason, public security officers went to the area and guarded her according to the chain of custody. Connoisseurs of State Attorney General they learned the facts and started the corresponding investigation file to try to clarify the matter.

On Wednesday June 10, a group of suspected hitmen clashed with a security force troop from Zamora, Michoacán, which left six gunmen dead (Photo: Juan José Estrada Serafín /
On Wednesday June 10, a group of suspected hitmen clashed with a security force troop from Zamora, Michoacán, which left six gunmen dead (Photo: Juan José Estrada Serafín /

Marguerite Galvez He was much loved by the locals, who remember him as an honest, hardworking, charismatic and devoted person to his family. After Gálvez’s murder, Coalcomán’s society demands justice for him and his family and the capture of the murderers.

On Wednesday June 10, a group of suspected contract killers clashed with a Zamora security force troop, Michoacan, which left a balance of six gunmen killed.

The crash, which lasted a few minutes, left the community Water eye full of casings and corpses just three days after the elections were held in the country.


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