They bought a box of legos and inside they found $ 40,000 worth of drugs | Chronic


Three women from the state of Georgia in the United States thought they had bought a box of Lego coins at auction at a post office during a trip to Charleston, South Carolina, but discovered that at Inside there was a pack of drugs.

They returned to Statesboro, in their state, near the border with South Carolina, and delivered the parcel to the nephew of one of them, as a gift.

The youngest was the one who discovered, by opening the box, that it did not actually contain Legos, but drugs: a kilo and a half of methamphetamine, a market value of about 40,000 dollars.

The police determined that they had committed three crimes: first by buying the drug, then by transporting it from one state to another, and finally handing the package to a minor.

After discovering the situation, they went to the nearest unit and warned the Drug Control Administration (DEA) agents of its acronym in English.

The authorities did not consider them responsible for any crime, since they had never heard of methamphetamine.

The sheriff's office estimated that the sender had the intention of sending the parcel by post with the contraband drug, with the address of a false or abandoned house, and that someone would have recovered or returned to the post office.

The postal service, when it accumulates a respectable amount of abandoned parcels, organizes auctions to sell them to people who want to pay money for parcels without actually knowing the contents.


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