They brake the Trump border wall


The judge gave the order.

EFE25 May 2019 | 2:25 p.m.

Washington, May 25 (EFE) .- President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced Saturday that his government would appeal the decision of a judge who ordered the temporary blocking of some of the funds intended for the construction of a wall at the border. with Mexico.

"Another activist judge appointed by (Barack Obama) has ruled against us on a section of the south wall already under construction, it is a decision against the border security and in favor of crime, drugs and human trafficking – a quick call, "said Trump on his Twitter account.

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The president is in Japan, where he arrived Saturday on a state visit to meet the new emperor, Naruhito, and discuss issues with the Japanese authorities, such as stalemate negotiations with North Korea and the new tensions between Washington and Tehran. .

On Friday, Judge Haywood Gilliam of the Northern California District Court, appointed in his day by former President Obama (2009-2017), ordered to partially block Trump's plan to fund the border wall with funds from the Ministry of Defense.

The court decision freezes the transfer of about $ 1 billion from the Pentagon's budget to pay the border fence and limits the creation of some parts of the wall, but does not prevent its construction.

Congress pbaded $ 1.375 million last February for the erection of the wall, a figure away from the $ 5,700 million requested by Trump, which led the president to declare the national emergency on the border with Mexico for these funds without it being necessary that they be authorized by the legislature, whose House of Representatives is the control of the Democrats.

With the national emergency, the government has reallocated some $ 6,600 million previously approved for the Pentagon and the Treasury Department to the wall, which adds to the $ 1.375 million that the Congress intended for the wall to be used for the defense. construction of 376 kilometers and allow the president begins to fulfill his main campaign promise.

Friday's decision is temporary and urgent, waiting for Gilliam to take more time to study the case before making a final ruling.

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