They broadcast the audios where Donald Trump discusses with his lawyer the payment to a Playboy exboyjita


Another bad scandal could put the political future of the President of the United States in jeopardy. CNN aired an audio in which a conversation is being entertained between Donald Trump and one of his lawyers in which they agree on how to pay a Playboy ex-girlfriend for not revealing that had maintained a relationship with the tycoon .

The conversation took place between Trump and one of his legal representatives, Michael Cohen, a few years ago, while the tycoon was not yet president . The audios expose the president because they reveal that he was aware of the negotiations that existed with several women.

The discussion about the payment they keep relates to the financing of a company. "I have to open a business to transfer all the information that our friend David is waiting for," says Cohen, referring to David Pecker of American Media. "What financing?" Trump "We have to pay", his lawyer comes back. In the audio we hear that Trump talks about a cash payment but we do not understand whether he says it should be executed or not. "No, no, I have it," commented Cohen.

Secretly the conversation in September 2016 during which the two talk about the payment to Karen McDougal, former Playboy model, with whom the president had a relationship. The lawyer is being investigated for his role in intermediation payments to women to buy her silence at the beginning of the campaign for the 2016 presidential election.

The lawyer has already acknowledged having paid $ 130,000 to a film actress bad, Stormy Daniels, who also said having had bad several times with the tycoon shortly after the businessman married the first lady, Melania.

The discovery of recordings came weeks after an interview in which Cohen suggested that he could give up his loyalty to Trump to save you from the ongoing investigation. "I want to be very clear: my wife, my daughter and my son, and my country are my main loyalties ," said Cohen, in this report

In the raid, officers found documents related to other two women, including McDougal, who says he had an affair with Trump in 2006 shortly after the birth of the president's last son, Barron.

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