They calculate the cost of Macri post STEP economic measures at $ 100,000 million


The economic measures taken by the government already represented about 100,000,000 pesos. According to the data of La Nación, it is the cost of the measures applied by the executive in the hope of arriving at the poll after a STEP with a result almost lapidary.

Since that defeat, the Macri administration has announced 15 measures to ease the burden of the middle clbad, who turned their backs on the president when he went to the polls.

Of the total of the announcements, 11 aim to mitigate the effects of the devaluation of the peso after the STEP and the others to stabilize the economic situation through intervention on the markets.

The total cost of the measures, at both the national and provincial levels, is approximately $ 100,000,000. Similarly, they guarantee Casa Rosada that no measure will affect the goal of the zero deficit, an objective that must be achieved by the agreement with the IMF.

In particular, Macri applied the increase in the non-taxable minimum income of $ 55,376 for a single worker and $ 70,274 for a worker with a dependent spouse and two children. He also ordered that

Dependent workers will not pay their work taxes in September and October, and monotributists will not pay the tax component of their quota in September.

Another measure was the abolition of VAT on certain foods, a measure that was initially felt in supermarkets, but which is almost no longer seen in some products. The effects of all these measures had an impact on 20 million people.



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