They call for mobilization to demand the release and acquittal of Nahir Galarza


The leaflet spreading to demand the release of the young woman who ended the life of Facundo Pastorizzo

After the Court of

will sentence life imprisonment to

Nahir Galarza
for the murder of Facundo Pastorizzo, they called a mobilization to demand the release and acquittal of the young woman.

Under the motto: "We believe you because we know", the invitation to the concentration is for next Tuesday 10. July at 18:30, in front of the House of the Entre Ríos Province. The meeting includes activities such as stencils for the freedom of Galarza, as well as a series of reading letters for the girl who killed Pastorizzo with two bullets.

According to the organizers, "Nahir Galarza suffered an authentic witch hunt". "An authentic media show was set up with the intention of branding it, exposing their intimacy, badual practices, videos, photographs, testimonies of amigxs, psychiatric and psychological skills that they performed, audios and WhatsApp messages, among others ", reads. the statement detailing the reasons for the initiative.

In this sense, he explains that the acquittal of Galarza is required because they believe "that they want to ruin the life of a girl of 19 years to generate a scapegoat that serves the function of hiding the immense damage that romantic love and In addition, it is noted that "cross-violence does not exist", because, according to the statement, " the violence built and legitimized socially exerted by heterobadual men as Fernando Pastorizzo "

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