They call for the creation of safe spaces for bees in the …


May 20 is celebrated “World Bee Day”, declared by the UN in 2017 at the request of the Republic of Slovenia, a country with a strong beekeeping tradition. The aim is to raise awareness of risk to pollinators, with what this implies for the existence of ecosystems. In this context, the Slovenian Embassy in Buenos Aires called on residents to create safe spaces for bees on the city’s balconies. For that will give seeds of honey plants and pots, as well as the instructions for planting them to help protect these insects.

Also, among other activities, it will roll this Thursday a typical Slovenian apiary in the park of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, as a learning and training tool.

“In Slovenia, we are very aware of the exceptional work that bees do and that is why beekeeping is deeply rooted in our traditions – underlined the embassy -. We have several beekeeping museums and the Slovenian Academy of Beekeeping. Our country lives to the rhythm of beesWe have almost 5 beekeepers per 1000 people and we eat a lot of honey, so it’s no surprise that the idea for World Bee Day was born here. “

This year, on World Bee Day, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched an appeal under the slogan “Get involved: Building new foundations for bees “.

“The events of the past year remind us that food security cannot be taken for granted. Pollinators will play a key role in the recovery process after the covid-19 outbreak and during the transition to sustainable agricultural production or food systems more resilient to crises and other challenges, ”said the Slovenian diplomatic representation.

May 20 was chosen as the day to help protect bees by commemorating the birth in 1734 of the great beekeeper Anton Janša, who in turn was the first beekeeper at the court of Maria Theresa, Empress of Habsburg.

Without bees there is no life, is the idea that is sought in the date created to create awareness about them. These insects, one of the most important pollinators, ensure food production, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity and help mitigate the effects of climate change and preserve the environment.

“In other words, in the long term, protecting bees and the beekeeping sector helps reduce poverty, hunger and maintain a healthy environment and biodiversity. Scientific studies show that, in recent times, bees are increasingly threatened. This is why it is only through a joint effort that we will be able to maintain the protection of these tireless workers and their habitat, ”warned the embassy.


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