They came back worse: they denounce that the Taliban beat and raped an Afghan homosexual


in afghanistan gay man beaten and raped by Taliban fighters. The victim was in hiding in Kabul for fear of the extremist group that seized power in this country after the withdrawal of American troops. With women and other groups, the LGBTQ community is also a victim of violence Taliban.

The individual left his refuge in the Afghan capital after being deceived by two Taliban who claimed to be friends; They allegedly offered him a ticket to leave the country safe and sound. The device left the homosexual in the hands of the Taliban, who beat and raped him, British media reported. Daily mail.

They later programmed the phone number of the victim’s father to inform him of his son’s sexual decision.

15 Taliban bans on women

The story of Nadia Ghulam, who disguised herself as a man to survive ten years among the Taliban

The situation was revealed to ITV News by Artemis Akbary, an Afghan human rights activist currently residing in the Republic of Turkey. This person told UK media that he had been in contact with the victim, and that his attack is just a taste of what gay life will be like under the Taliban regime.

“They are lying. The Taliban have not changed, their ideology has not changed”

Another testimony to the attack on homosexuals in this country was published a few days ago by the same British portal. The newspaper published the testimony of a homosexual in Kabul, who said that members of the LGBTQ community are “hunted”. And he added that the extremists take pleasure in persecuting and killing people in this group: “They are killing us in a very brutal way.

Contrary to the situations described, the insurgent group communicates to the world that “we have changed and we have no problem with women’s rights or human rights,” activist Akbary said. And he condemned: “They are lying. The Taliban have not changed, because their ideology has not changed.”

afghanistan kabul taliban

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Referring to his friends in Afghanistan, he said that “They’re scared, they don’t know what will happen to them in the future, so they’re just trying to hide.”

This is happening in the context of violence against Afghan women and girls. In this regard, the European Union and 20 other countries (including Argentina) issued a joint declaration (August 18) in which they declared themselves “deeply concerned” by the situation of this human group in Afghanistan since the arrival of the Taliban.

admission afghanistan

Afghanistan: the Taliban allegedly burned a woman alive for “bad cooking”

Gender violence

Violence against Taliban women was denounced a few days ago by the former Afghan judge and activist Najla Ayoubi, who warned that a woman had been “set on fire” by the insurgents “for having poorly cooked”.

The director of operations for Treaty of every woman also he said: “There are so many young women in recent weeks who have been sent to neighboring countries in coffins to be used as sex slaves.” On the other hand, they force families to marry their young daughters to combatants.

This is happening in a context where they are being tortured and murdered, he said and in full he spoke with women in this country who gave him examples of “bad behavior and violence” against them. people.

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