They capture a Jujuy drug trafficker who has been on the run since 2015


Jujeño José Miguel Farfán, accused of introducing cocaine into the country aboard small planes from Bolivia and having corrupted a federal judge, was arrested in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in Bolivia, after four years of research. The capture of the man from the southern cone nicknamed "El Chapo Guzmán" aged 58, in reference to the recently convicted Mexican narco who ran the Sinaloa cartel, took shape as a result of an investigation by the Bolivian police and the National Gendarmerie.

The Bolivian minister, Carlos Romero, explained at a press conference that the arrest of Farfán, dubbed "Operation Luna Rosa", had been carried out "after the collection of data and communications from the country. family environment "of the fugitive. He added: "This person left the Argentine Republic irregularly and obtained two identity cards and defined their data."


Farfán, originally from Ledesma (Jujuy), had been sentenced by the judge of Salta for "transporting narcotics for marketing purposes" for the trafficking of 400 kilos of cocaine, as a gang leader who had introduced the drug in the country landing on tracks. Then, another part of the organization prepared cocaine in Buenos Aires and sent it to Europe.

In addition, Farfán is accused in the case of the former Federal Judge of Oran, Raúl Reynoso, of having formed and directed an illicit badociation which, from the court itself and through lawyers, has collected gifts for the benefit of drug traffickers.

In this case, it was considered that Reynoso had released Farfán after the payment of the bribe and then ordered his arrest, but he had already escaped.

In addition, as it was proved during a trial in 2016, the narco jujeño is the one who paid a bribe to the former criminal prosecutor, José Antonio Solá Torino, to raise the arrest warrant that weighed against him.

Farfán had been sentenced to five years in prison in 1999 but had escaped in 2003, taking advantage of a temporary exit for which he had paid the bribe. He was retaken in 2009 and was released, but he did not show up at Solá Torino's trial and was again on the run in 2015 until yesterday.

During telephone conversations, Farfán and his accomplices spoke about the steps taken before "Toto" or "Gordo", as Judge Solá Torino calls it, canceled the arrest warrant that had been issued against him. Farfán said that he was already tired of the different demands of "Toto", to whom he had said he had paid for the lifting of his capture. For this reason, the former magistrate was sentenced in 2016 to six years in prison for pbadive bribery and fined 90,000 pesos.

Farfán led a cocaine smuggling gang from Bolivia and took her to Buenos Aires


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