They capture a supposed ghost in the hotel that inspired Stephen King to write “The Shining”


A figure very close to that of a ghost was caught looking out of a hotel window in Colorado, United States, the structure is what inspired Stephen king to write his horror novel “Shine”.

Kim kimberly, a 46-year-old woman, was touring the Stanley Hotel and photographing different areas of the structure when he came across this ghostly figure. The funny thing is that Kimberly didn’t notice the character at the time, but did notice him. once you have checked the photos that he had withdrawn.

Kimberly contacted other people who toured the area, but none were able to explain or give information about the presence of what is believed to be a ghost. (Photo: Kim Kimberly)

“I looked at my photos and in one of them I seemed to see something standing in the window. I zoomed in and was surprised because it looked like a woman or a child with long dark hair, with a white dress or nightgown that’s not from that era, ”Kimberly said.

The woman also commented that she also had another photo, from the exact same angle of the hotel, but without the silhouette.

Kimberly has contacted others who have visited the site, but nobody could explain or give information about the presence of what could be a ghost.

“I immediately sent these images to my friends who also took pictures of this place. They were surprised because they they didn’t see anything on your photos and they also didn’t notice anyone at the window the day they were there, ”Kimberley said.

The woman added that “after this episode, I couldn’t sleep for a few days. ”The mystery and uncertainty Kimberley felt increased when she returned to the hotel and spoke with one of the tour guides. There they told her that the room it is empty.

Kim agreed to show one of the guides the photos he took: “When I showed them the photo, he said ‘Oh my God, taste by a ghost;‘”.

“I have read comments from people who think I did it with Photoshop. I laugh because i don’t know how to use it. Many people also say that what is seen is a trick or an illusion between the light and the flag. So I asked them why it wasn’t in the other photos, ”Kimberley said.

The Stanley, for its part, declined to provide information about the photos in a statement to local media. The hotel inspired Stephen King to create his novel “The shine “, after the writer visited the place in 1974. In 1980, the book had his movie.


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