They capture an “influencer” in Cartagena when he made a joke dressed as a policeman


Cartagena influencer
Cartagena influencer

On June 20, it became known that a group of digital content producers or “influencers” were captured wearing exclusive clothing from the National Police and the Ministry of Traffic and Transport -DATT- when they carried out a illegal control on the road leading to the Heredia Park, in Cartagena

Colombian police intervened at the checkpoint and captured Jhonnier Steven Pineda Julio who uploaded the videos to his social networks to generate likes, despite having committed a crime while wearing the uniform and badges of the police institution

After the capture, the young man was placed at the disposal of the general public prosecutor’s office, to be then transferred to a hearing with a safeguards control judge.

Pineda’s companion also wore a DATT uniformIt will therefore be linked to the investigation procedure for the offense of usurpation of public office.

In the video, which has already been removed from social media, you can see young people stopping motorcycles and cars to ask for vehicle papers and you can even see how they attack people and take their vehicle keys.

In the video, the accused can be seen stopping motorcycles and cars to demand their documents and other items from the drivers. In one of the videos, we observe that the vehicle keys are violently taken from a motorcycle taxi driver.

This isn’t the first time an ‘influencer’ has gotten into trouble with the authorities, in November 2020 with chocolate covered bar soap a Cartagena man who calls himself Jay Tomy took to the streets and took made several people try this palette. Many of them are old people and street dwellers.

“A Cartagena ‘influencer’ made popsicles of soap to distribute to the elderly and street dwellers. It is humiliating, disgusting and scandalous “commented on a social network user who shared the video.

In a first video, several young people, including Jay Tomy, offer a man one of these lollipops that he takes pleasure in trying. Amid the laughter, the young people watch the older adult bite the bar of soap. Seconds later, they show the preparation of these popsicles as part of the joke.

In another video, we see how the alleged influencer is looking for more victims to try out his palette of soaps. Between them, An elderly person reappears, but also a young man who fell for the joke, thinking he is trying a new ice cream.

“The poor did say he was rich because they have feelings like they can do that to the old people under these conditions,” “bad, with the old people not. Do it with your knowledge and the soap is toxic “,” It should be painful to post, to make these kinds of videos, it made me very sad to see how you humiliate, you make fun of these people “, are some of the comments that read on social networks.

After this video drew heavy criticism, Jay Tomy shut down all of his social networks and the same influencer assured that “at no point did they let people eat the whole palette and they were helping with money those who saw they needed it most “.

Cartagena’s participation secretary Armando Córdoba called the events “scandalous” and called for this young man and his companions to be punished.

“In the last few hours we saw a video where there were supposed influencers who are nothing more than irresponsible. They intoxicate the street dwellers and the elderly with so-called popsicles that are nothing more than soap. We ask the authorities to apply the full weight of the law, ”Cordoba said in statements to Blu Radio.

Also outside this post, Cartagena Police Commander General Henry Sanabria said they had already opened an investigation to impose exemplary subpoenas in these cases.


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