They catch "youtuber" by cruelly abusing his dog | Chronic


The famous youtuber Brooke Houts, is under investigation after accidentally posting a video in which she is seen mistreating her dog Doberman.

Images that do not stop provoking the anger of more than 340,000 subscribers show the young woman to push, spit and try to smother the animal because it 's n'. did not stop playing and interrupt during filming.

Although the influencer immediately deleted the video, it had already been copied and shared by all social networks to report obvious animal abuse. The case has become so viral that millions of people have called for the closure of Brooke's chain.

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After multiple complaints, the "youtuber" published a letter in which he apologized for what had happened to anyone who had felt offended by the clip. He explains that Sphinx weighs 34 kilos and that his only goal is to show him that this behavior is completely inappropriate.

"My dog ​​has not suffered from the actions that I do in the video.I did not hit him, although I understand that it may sound.Of course, I should not have him shout after, " wrote.


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