They challenge the decree that facilitates the wearing of weapons | "Yes …


For an organ of the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office (MPF), the decree of President Jair Bolsonaro that relaxes possession and possession of weapons is unconstitutional. The federal prosecutor's office for citizens' rights, part of the MPF, issued a statement yesterday expressing its opposition to the decision of the far-right president. Bolsonaro and his Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, have until Friday to give explanations to the Federal Supreme Court.

For the government body, the Bolsonaro decree advanced Parliament's powers for declaring that the purpose of this provision was to reverse the public policy of firearms reduction, the Statute of Disarmament, of 2013. "With this configuration, the the change in the regime of possession and use of firearms planned by the government should have been submitted to the National Congress through a bill, since it is only not just a regulation, but a change in a public policy defined by law, "says the statement.

Since Bolsonaro enacted the text last week, critics have stopped being heard. On the one hand, the opposition party, Red de Sostenibilidad, denounced the unconstitutionality of the decree and immediately the Supreme Court Justice, Rosa Weber, left it to Bolonaro until Friday to explain the measure. In the same vein and two days after the publication of the decree, several documents accusing Bolsonaro of having exceeded his presidential powers were distributed to the Brazilian Congress. Former President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva also expressed himself on this subject. In an interview with the BBC last week, he called Bolsonaro sick because he thought Brazil's problem was solved with weapons.

Despite criticism, the far-right president insisted on defending his decree in a radio interview. "As a man, for example, I have to defend my wife and if a man gets into my house (…), you have to put a bullet in your head," he said. According to Bolsonaro, his violent action would be justified by the use of self-defense.

The resolution of the former army captain specifies that law professionals, politicians, truckers, farmers, hunters and even some journalists would be able to carry firearms. In addition, the decree allows owners of licensed weapons to purchase up to 5,000 ammunition a year, depending on the type of weapon. A jump from the limit set in previous legislation that allowed to buy up to 50 people. In addition, children and teens will not need to go to court to practice sport shooting. "Public safety starts at home," said Bolsonaro at the signing of the text, which also facilitates the import of weapons and ammunition, an old demand from international manufacturers and enthusiasts alike. foreign weapons. The best access to weapons possession was the flag of the ex-soldier who came to the government with the promise of a strong hand in a country recording 175 homicides a day.


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