They chose the "healthiest" countries in the world: Spain and Argentina, 54 – 26/02/2019


Argentina is in the place 54 among the "healthiest" countries, according to the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index's 2019 edition, which badyzes variables such as "life expectancy" or "environmental factors" in order to rank 169 world economies and to put Spain in first position.

Second place in this ranking is occupied by Italy, followed by Iceland and Japan, which appears as the most healthy Asian country and ahead of three places since the 2017 survey. , where she was seventh.

Latin American countries are better placed than Argentina: Cuba (30), Chile (33), Costa Rica (34), Uruguay (47), Panama (50) and Mexico (53). Argentina lost a place compared to the last measure, achieved in 2017, when she ranked 53rd.

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The index ranks nations according to variables that include, in addition to life expectancy, indicators such as access to drinking water and sanitation, while imposing "sanctions" on risk factors such as Smoking and obesity.

Researchers have noted that eating habits "can give clues to the health levels enjoyed by Spain and Italy" as a "Mediterranean diet supplemented by oil from the rest of the world." extra virgin olive or nuts had a lower rate of cardiovascular events ".

Spain also has the highest life expectancy in the EU, according to UN data, while the University of Washington Institute for Metrics and Health Assessment forecasts that the country "will wait 86 years by 2040. years"

The report puts Switzerland in fifth place, followed by Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Norway and Israel, which completes the ranking of the top ten.

Meanwhile, Canada is in 16th place, surpbading the United States, ranked 35th.

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"Life expectancy in the United States has been reduced due to deaths from drug overdoses and suicides," the researchers said.

Cuba was five places above the North American country and became "the only nation not to be ranked among the high-income countries by the World Bank to score so high."

"One of the reasons for the success of the island nation is perhaps the importance given to preventive care, unlike what happens in the United States, where the focus is on the diagnosis and the treatment of diseases, "said members of the health department. United States Bar Association, quoted in the report.

South Korea ranks 17th among Asians, while China, home to nearly 1,400 million people, ranks 52nd.

The sub-Saharan economies accounted for 27 of the 30 "unhealthiest" countries in the rankings.

Source: Telam



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