They claim that four million Argentines consume antidepressants


Seven months after the suicide of model Rocío Gancedo, a former Big Brother participant who was thrown into the void from the balcony of her apartment in Las Cañitas neighborhood in Buenos Aires, the lawsuit of the In this context, a report published this Sunday by Diario Popular reveals that there are 4 million Argentines. they consume antidepressants, due to anxiety and depression images .

Marcelo Peretta, Doctor of Pharmacy and Biochemistry and Secretary General of the Argentine Union of Pharmaceutical and Biochemists (SAFYB), expressed that "the brutal death of Rocío Gancedo, who was suffering from chronic depression and taking antidepressants, far from forgetting the pbadage of time, should make us think of psychiatric drugs, and we consume slightly whose effects are diffuse and its risks more and more obvious, since suicides are more frequent that's not imagined. "

A report provided by the expert indicates that in 2001 the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry published that 0.34% of drug users" paroxetine "had suicide attempts, recommending the control and continued observation of all treated patients, to detect signs of worsening of the clinical picture and the possibility of unusual changes in behavior.

While some patients improve with the use of antidepressants at low doses and for a short time, in 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned that 4% of children and adolescents treated with antidepressants are at risk for suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

"Since 2006, all antidepressant leaflets include the warning that they can produce suicidal thoughts and deeds.In the United States and Brazil, the warning is even in the US. outer packaging with a black belt Antidepressants are among the most prescribed (and self-medicated) psychotropic medications since anxiety and depression are common and very popular diseases. In Argentina there are 4 million users, 10% of the population ", said Peretta

In the work done by SAFYB, it is argued that the risk is the same with the 42 varieties available in the country. the basic drugs, which shows the case that this health problem involves: Fluoxetine, Sertraline and Paroxetine. Those who take antidepressants and have suicidal thoughts should immediately stop the medication and consult their doctor ] ", explained, categorically, the pharmaceutical specialist Peretta.

He added:" Before taking medications for depression, start with individual or group psychotherapy, with a healthy and balanced diet that avoids stressors "

" Pistachio, vitamin B, potbadium and magnesium are natural nerve regulators, which must be consumed before the drugs, which, besides the suicidal ideas, fatten, remove the sleep, cause Iguañas and reduce the badual desire ", concluded the specialist, as reported by Noticias Argentinas.

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