They claim that Sputnik V protects against “all will …


The director of the Gamaleya Institute, Alexander Gintsburg, assured that Sputnik V vaccine protects against “all known variants” of the coronavirus, including the Delta variant, which keeps health authorities around the world in suspense since it is much more contagious than others. The effectiveness of the drug had already been reported via the official account of the Russian institution.

Gintsburg, one of the scientists who participated in the development of Sputnik V, claimed that application of the two components of the vaccine “protects against all currently known variants, from the British variant to the Delta variant, the Indian variant”.

According to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, this strain causes 90 percent of new infections detected in this city, epicenter of the second wave in Russia. The number of recorded cases has reached records since the start of the pandemic.

At that time, the Russian authorities seek to promote vaccination among their population. Sobianin had promised to raffle a car among those who will receive a dose of the vaccine and announced last week that it would impose compulsory vaccination on workers in the service sector.

For its part, in Saint Petersburg, the country’s second city also exposed to a sharp increase in cases, the authorities have signaled their plan to vaccinate 65 percent of local officials through August.

Russia is the country with the most deaths from covid-19 in Europe, with 129,801 deaths according to the government.


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