They claim that the United States is in contact with the military to withdraw Maduro's support


According to the newspaper "El Nacional", based on a Reuters report, the discussions, although "Limit", they would aim convince former members of the armed forces.

According to these sources, Washington hopes that further defections will take place, after some officials have recognized the self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó.

"These are the first stones before we start to see bigger rocks roll", commented a White House advisor.

This Friday, Guaidó did not exclude to allow the intervention of a foreign force to Maduro to stop "usurp" power and "save lives" before a "humanitarian emergency".

However, he stressed that he would do everything that generates the "least social cost" to reach some "free elections" take Venezuela out of the worst crisis of its contemporary history.

In a dialogue with the agency, he explained "we will do all that is necessary, all that we must do to save lives, so that children do not die (…) or do not suffer if it has a lower social cost, it generates governability and stability so that it can cope with the emergency situation. "

"What Maduro does is try to have an outside enemy, to make common cause with a part of the world left, but it's not a problem of left or right, it's a question of humanity, and we will do all that we have to do in a sovereign and autonomous way to end the usurpation, the transitional government and free elections ", he added.


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