They claim that transplants help save resources in the public health system


77% of the renal waiting list is on dialysis; the annual cost of the practice doubles that of the implant

Not only save lives. According to specialists, investing in transplants is for the state the equivalent of more efficient use of public health resources. Especially when we talk about
those waiting for a kidney transplant, which account for 77% of those who are on the waiting list in Argentina.

"The annual cost of dialysis for a patient far exceeds that of a successful kidney transplant," he says. Francis Delmonico, former president of the Transplantation Society (TTS) and a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. In addition, he explains that these people repeatedly suffer episodes requiring hospitalization, "which becomes very expensive."

"The transplant has a unit value equal to one year of dialysis, but to the second year, the value of If the costs are taken into account, the transplantation will have to be carried out. For each transplanted patient, the health system places two patients on dialysis, and if this is not addressed by the system, the patient may collapse. dialysis requirement, "added María del Carmen Bacqué, Incucai's deputy, in a note published in
THE NACION last year

Domingo Casadei, director of the Institute of Nephrology of Buenos Aires and advisory member of the Coordinator of Ablation and Implant (Incucai) of the National Central Institute Unique, says that the cost of the Argentine dialysis costs about $ 600 million a year. Currently, 29,940 patients undergo this treatment to live and 5976 are waiting for a kidney transplant. Last year,
Only 20% of the list has been transplanted.

"What are the developed countries doing to reduce the costs of dialysis?" There are two central thrusts: one is prevention and the other, because the transplanted patient year, the State leaves the fourth part of it when he was on dialysis, "Casadei details. In this line, national and international studies show that the approximate saving per transplant, from the second year, is 50% per patient.

For the President of the Argentine Transplant Society (SAT), Carlos Díaz,
To work in the consciousness of the gift is fundamental. "It is essential to focus on information and education, most of the community – including our representatives – we do not know very well why they do transplants, so we look for answers there where there is none. " More awareness equals better results for the referees, and not only reduces the rate of family opposition but also allows for more efficient use of resources. For this reason, Gabriel Gondolesi, Head of Liver, Intestinal and Renal-pancreatic Transplantation at the University Hospital of the Favaloro Foundation (TTS) points out that it is necessary to invest in health, in transplantation, in donation and in proxy centers. "The example is the Spanish National Organization of Transplantation, which has managed to reach nearly 50 donors per million inhabitants, how? With many years of investment, training and development. training, "concludes the specialist.


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