They claim to have seen "La Llorona": scary video | Chronic


Residents of the city of La Esmeralda in Arauquita, Colombia, say they have seen a woman dressed in a white dress walking alone crying to a baby's grave at night.

The recordings of a security camera show a thin, long-haired woman walking in a white outfit that covers her face. In these images, farmers in the area say that the woman has never been seen during the day but that she appears during dark nights.

"She's about 72 years old, dressed in white and with hair on her face, like when she had not washed her for several days." When she turned to look, she was already dressed in black and we could not see her feet because she was flying at this height ", insured channel 1, Pedro Villareal, neighbor of the zone.

The man said that he was accompanied by seven friends when they felt the presence of this "being". "We were very scared, but we stayed to watch her and when she saw us nearby, she called us. Arriving at the cemetery, we were about 100 meters because we could not follow and encourage a child. We cried and when we turned to look, we screamed a squeak."He said.

However, what most surprised the locals is that the image of the woman disappeared at dawn. Villareal ensures that the woman from one moment to the next left the grave. In addition, the old woman appears in the village when the moon is full and people remain silent so that their cries can be heard.

Legend of "La Llorona"

For many years in Colombia and in other parts of the world, this legend has been told about the life of a woman who has lost her children and walks the streets, rivers, mountains and mountains. the valleys in search of their lamentations. "where are my children".


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