They claim with evidence that Bolsonaro delayed the purchase …


The chairman of the Senate committee investigating the actions of Jair Bolsonaro’s government in the face of the covid-19 pandemic, Omar Aziz, said they already had evidence that the government had acted deliberately through a cabinet parallel to delay the purchase of vaccines.

We already have enough evidence that Brazil did not want to buy vaccinesSaid Aziz, senator from the conservative Social Democratic Party (PSD), who currently chairs the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (ICC). Composed of 11 senators (including seven opponents of the government), the committee has been collecting information for a month on the management of the fight against the coronavirus in the country, including the testimonies of the ministers of health who held the post. since the start of the pandemic.

As Aziz confirmed to the Brazilian newspaper State, ICC can now notify the Office of the Prosecutor to initiate proceedings to prosecute responsible officials. For Aziz, it is impossible to detach President Jair Bolsonaro from his responsibilities.

On the other hand, the senator also referred to the parallel cabinet that Bolsonaro had to make decisions regarding the pandemic. “He met the “parallel cabinet” much more than the Minister of HealthThe ICC president said. The latter was also confirmed by the same former heads of the health portfolio, such as former minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta, who in his statement to the ICC claimed that Bolsonaro had advice This was also confirmed by the former Minister of Health, General Eduardo Pazuello, as Aziz recalled to State. “You remember Pazuello said he met the president once a week, maybe every two weeks. He did not meet the minister but the parallel cabinet that he met daily ”.

The lawmaker also highlighted Bolsonaro’s behavior, which he considered atypical for a world leader. “Not even in a “republiqueta”, which has absolutely nothing, the chef does without jugular and keeps saying this kind of thing.“said Aziz. Regarding President Bolsonaro’s refusal to follow global recommendations on isolation measures and the use of masks to prevent the spread of the virus, Aziz believes they are directly linked to the president’s commitment to collective immunity.

From the ICC, seven of the 11 senators who make up the commission say the documentation and information they have investigated so far confirms that Bolsonaro had a side cabinet, made up of the then Communications Secretary. Fabio Wajngarten, among other like-minded politicians, businessmen and medical personnel.

Currently, Brazil has more than 462,000 deaths from covid-19, making it the second country with the highest number of deaths from the virus. The commission was installed at the end of April, it has since heard testimony from the main health authorities of the country, including the series of health ministers in office since the start of the pandemic. The ICC is also investigating purchases of oxygen and medicine for intubation, which are still in short supply in some parts of the country, as well as false news about the pandemic and the government’s lack of campaign to communicate the problem. severity of the coronavirus. .


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