They condemn Youtuber who gave him biscuits with toothpaste to indigents | Chronic


The youtuber Kanghua Renknown under the name of "ReSet", was sentenced by the Spanish courts to 15 months in prison after being found guilty of a crime against moral integrity for humiliating a beggar who had offered him sweet biscuits filled with toothpaste.

The young person must not only go to prison, he must also compensate the person concerned and close his account Youtube for five years without being able to create another.

ReSet created its own channel in December 2014, with which she became one of the most well-known "influencers" in Spain and Latin America, with 1.1 million subscribers and 124 million viewings from its content.

Two years after the launch of the channel, he released the video of the beggar in which the judge concluded that he had acted with the intention of "defame, degrade and offend" to a vulnerable person and "Make money at the expense of others' pain."

"Maybe I would have spent a little time, but look at the positive side: it will help you brush your teeth, I do not think you cleaned them since you became poor, " He said in the video to justify his act.

The famous youtuber Kanghua Ren, known as "ReSet".

The amount of the compensation will be EUR 20 000 for the "moral damages" caused to the victim, Gheorge L., a beggar of Romanian origin who sleeps in the Marina district of Zona Franca de Barcelona and who does not speak Spanish.

At the trial, the young man claimed that the video he recorded in 2017 was part of "Challenges" that he faced periodically in his channel and that he did everything "like a joke"Thanks to the video, he made a profit of about 2,000 euros.


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