They confirm Argentinian accused of killing his 2-year-old son was found dead in Barcelona


Spanish police found the body of Martin Ezequiel lvarez Giaccio, the Argentinian who killed his son in a hotel in Barcelona to get revenge on the mother with whom he had broken off the relationship a few days before.

According to El Mundo newspaper, Catalan police confirmed the identity of the body.

Álvarez Giacco, an Argentinian economist of Spanish nationality who studied at the University of Barcelona and had worked in the financial sector, is accused of suffocating his baby in room 704 of the Concordia hotel, on Avinguda del Parallel in Barcelona, ​​August 24.

Since then, the Catalan police – the Mossos d’Esquadra – and the national police have searched for him by scanning the Montjuic district and the surroundings of El Prat airport in Barcelona where, according to the version of a taxi driver who claims to have left him at Terminal 1, all trace is lost.

Hotel security cameras, however, recorded the moment Alvarez leaves the room, where the body of her two-year-and-nine-month-old son will later be found under the bed. He would have murdered him to punish his wife, from whom he had separated, at his will, a few days ago.

The front door of the house where the Argentinian Martín Ezequiel Álvarez Giaccio lived with his family.  Photo: Cézaro De Luca

The front door of the house where the Argentinian Martín Ezequiel Álvarez Giaccio lived with his family. Photo: Cézaro De Luca

Local police called for citizen collaboration and released Álvarez’s photo to help locate him from the day of the crime.

Over the days, the search process intensified and the Catalan police released different portraits of the suspect in case he changed his physical appearance.

Ezequiel Alvarez Ciaccio, the Argentine fugitive in Spain accused of killing his son.

Ezequiel Alvarez Ciaccio, the Argentine fugitive in Spain accused of killing his son.

The last clues to his fate have placed him at El Prat airport. Despite the fact that it was initially believed that he could have escaped abroad, footage from security cameras captured him leaving the airport towards the municipality of Prat de Llobregat .

For this reason, the troops had deployed a large search device in the areas surrounding the airport to locate it.

In recent days, and after the suspect has given no sign of life or contacted any member of his family, the police have established as their main hypothesis that Alvarez Giaccio had committed suicide.

The escape route

A few days ago, security cameras at the Barcelona hotel where Álvarez Giaccio was staying captured the moment he escapes from his room and jumps over a fence to escape.

He was wearing a gray T-shirt, jeans and red sneakers. The video, broadcast by the Spanish media 20 minutes, was the key to the investigation.

Everything indicates what it was the mother herself who alerted the police that the father had taken the child and then received threatening messages from the man, from whom he was parting, with a “you will have remorse”.

If the father’s incrimination is confirmed in fact, it would be a case of vicarious violence, in which the man seeks to harm the woman through his children. In 30% of cases of indirect violence, the murderers of their children end up committing suicide.

Source: La Vanguardia


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