They confirm Covid has a preference for type A blood – News


The new scientific study, published in the journal Blood advances, indicates that the COVID-19 virus has a preference for the blood group A antigen.

According to research, there is a protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus called the receptor binding domain (RBD) that attaches to host cells, so studying them helps to understand how it causes infection and how. the virus behaves in every organism.

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The team evaluated synthetic blood group antigens on red blood cells and respiratory cells found in individuals with blood groups A, B and O, and examined how SARS-CoV-2 RBD interacted with each blood group.

In this way, they discovered that this protein have a marked preference for red blood cells of blood group A, which are found in respiratory cells, what did not happen with the B and O blood groups.

“The blood type is a challenge because it’s inherited and it’s not something we can change. But if we understand better how the virus interacts with people’s blood groups, we can find new drugs and prevention methodsSaid study author Sean R. Stowell.


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