They confirm in Syria the total defeat of the terrorist group ISIS – 03/23/2019


ISIS, the most virulent and prosperous terrorist group, has been defeated. This is the message that, according to Donald Trump's announcements in Washington, the Syrian Democratic Forces have just launched on the ground. These militias, led in particular by the hard Kurdish fighters, central allies of the United States in this far-reaching war, said that the last stronghold of the jihadists was shot down in Baguz.

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The blow has a huge symbolic weight. Almost five years ago, an internal war devastated the towns and cities of the region. ISIS, an organization that suddenly increased its power from March 2011 during the Syrian civil war (see page 29) had created in 2014 a caliphate that united a huge territory between this Arab country and Iraq.

The announcement of the cpmquista of the last redoubt in the hands of the bloodthirsty group. EFE

The announcement of the cpmquista of the last redoubt in the hands of the bloodthirsty group. EFE

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

This tremendous war ended in Baguz, a small border village in eastern Syria, where ultra-Islamic fighters cornered for the last time, under a siege that lasted weeks on the part of Kurdish fighters. Thousands of people have fled the territory and hundreds have died.

On Saturday, the SDF raised their bright yellow flag on a house where militants had raised their famous black flag. Below, extends a battle-torn field, strewn with trenches and bomb craters and filled with burnt tents, twisted remains of burned vehicles, unused explosives and a few corpses. "Baguz is free and the military victory against Daesh has been achieved," tweeted Mustafa Bali, a spokesman for the FDS, referring to the group by its Arabic acronym. Shortly before falling, the terrorist gang managed to send a threatening message to the world against "the crusaders and apostates".

The resumption of Baguz marks the end of the insurgent proto-state that, at its peak, encompbaded much of Syria and Iraq, but the Islamic State would maintain a dispersed presence and cells of fighters in Iraq. sleep in these same two countries, according to badysts. However, the defeat of the group would leave these groups in the air. ISIS was not an organization with a clear ideological basis. . He promoted a strange version of an Islam that allowed bloodthirsty acts and even the rape of women and children. Scholars of this religion deny that the story of the terrorist gang is related to true Islam.

Images of the terrorist group were uploaded to the networks months ago. This image capture, taken from a video posted on Monday, March 18, 2019 by the Aamaq News Agency, a half arm of the "Islamic State" group, shows fighters of the EI who parade brandishing the flag of the group inside Baghouz, the last pocket of this group. in Syria. Syrian forces backed by the US and fighting the Islamic State group announced on Tuesday that they had taken control of a camp in a Syrian village in the east where militants from the north of the country said that they were in control. Islamic state had been besieging for months, refusing to surrender. (Aamaq News Agency via AP)

Images of the terrorist group were uploaded to the networks months ago. This image capture, taken from a video posted on Monday, March 18, 2019 by the Aamaq News Agency, a half arm of the "Islamic State" group, shows fighters of the EI who parade brandishing the flag of the group inside Baghouz, the last pocket of this group. in Syria. Syrian forces backed by the US and fighting the Islamic State group announced on Tuesday that they had taken control of a camp in a Syrian village in the east where militants from the north of the country said that they were in control. Islamic state had been besieging for months, refusing to surrender. (Aamaq News Agency via AP)

The group severely subjugated the people under its control, fought very specific targets, retained the oil wells of the conquered areas and built a network of historical relics from around the world. The exception was the big ones who, instead, destroyed with the filming that was spread on the Internet. The same thing happened during the attack on the heads of their prisoners, including journalists who were put on the network, including a Jordanian pilot who was burned in a cage.

However, the biggest danger lies in the foreign fighters who have joined the organization in Syria and Iraq and who are now returning to their home countries, especially in Europe, where they might not all be detected . This barrage of fighters occurred while the organization was developing and generating a triumphalist stimulus. This partly explains the wave of terrorist attacks perpetrated in the West by self-organized individuals who, with these acts, have developed a sense of belonging.

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The anti-terrorist campaign to recover the territory has been extended for five years and two US presidencies, launching more than 100,000 bombs and killing many victims and many civilians and victims of life. Iranian militia and Turkish forces also participated in the war in Syria against the terrorist organization, as well as a huge military deployment of Russia that began bombarding insurgent groups since 2015, thus allowing the reconstitution of the armed forces. of the Damascus regime.

In Baguz, there was no calm despite the good news. Some lost patrols of the group continued to give some resistance. Journalists from the Associated Press in this region, Baguz reported Saturday after hearing mortar fire and other types of weapons against a cliff overlooking the city, where the coalition had proceeded to aerial bombardments a day earlier.

Thousands of fighters and their families surrendered to the forces of order. Women and children were transferred to IDP camps, while men were sent to interrogation centers located in unknown locations and guarded by the FSD.

SDF spokesman Kino Gabriel reported on Friday that several ISIS fighters were hiding in caves near Baguz and that clean-up operations in the area were continuing.

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This is a clean-up task that was also carried out after the recovery of the cities of Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, which were the two capitals of the band led by theologian Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, whose fate, but at several it was stated that he would be dead.

Baguz. Syria Agencies


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