They confirmed the closing parade of the Immigrant Party


From the Association of Foreign Entities Berisso confirmed last night that the closing parade of the festival of the Inigrant will take place today.

The confirmation came after the strong storm that rocked the region between Friday morning and yesterday afternoon.

Last night, in the meantime, everything was ready to elect the new provincial cultural ambassador for the immigrant party, leaving behind the figure of queen.

"Since this year, it has been decided that the different nationalities would no longer be represented by queens, but by cultural representatives or ambassadors, young people and children," the organizers said.

Today, as we have said, the expected closing parade of this provincial holiday of the communities of the region will take place.

Like yesterday, you can also enjoy the gastronomic proposal of the Carpe des Collectivités, as well as the ballet presentation of the various entities.

In the Municipal Park of Montevideo Avenue between 10 and 11 am, the gathering and opening of the typical food stands (carpa de los immigrants) will take place and at 3 pm, the closing parade will take place. Party of Provincial Immigration, on Montevideo Avenue.


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