They confirmed the first case of the Delta variant in Salta | This is a person who returned from Europe on July 15


“As part of epidemiological surveillance by covid-19, we inform you that a few minutes ago we received the report of a sample processed in the Malbrán Institute, confirming the first positive patient with the Delta variant in the province of Salta“said yesterday Miguel Astudillo, chief Situation Room of the Ministry of Health.

The official commented that it is an adult who returned from Europe in the first half of July and that he respects compulsory isolation, according to what is established by the health protocol.

The person has been stamped at Ezeiza International AirportAfter arriving in Argentina, then “the result of the first test was negative,” said Astudillo.

In addition, he specified that during the isolation, the man presented certain symptoms compatible with the covid-19, for which a new sample was taken and this time the positive result.

“The sample was sent to the Malbrán Institute to determine the genomic sequencing. Newly we receive the result, it corresponds to the Delta variant (B.1.617.2) ”, he said.

The traveler is in good health, does not have a serious clinical picture and is receiving outpatient medical care.

The person has the full covid-19 vaccination schedule. “Immunization is a measure we have and must use; as in the case of this patient who, during the vaccine, your image manifests itself in a mild or moderate way“, he underlined.

The family group of the HIV-positive person was contacted and isolated from the moment the traveler started showing symptoms.

Before the arrival of the new variant in the province, the official recalled the precautions to avoid the transmission of covid-19: use a mask or a mask that covers the nose, mouth and chin; maintain the minimum physical distance of two meters; avoid crowds; wash your hands well with soap and water and use hydroalcoholic gel. Sneeze and cough into the crook of the elbow; Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth, and do not share mate, cutlery, glasses, cups or napkins. Always ventilate, as much as possible continuously, ideally with cross ventilation (windows and doors on opposite sides). In the car, open one front window and one rear window, on the opposite side (for example, right front window and left rear window), at least 5 centimeters. On the bus, keep the windows open in the front and the others in the back, on the opposite sides. In low temperature scenarios, keep windows open at least 2 inches at all times.

When symptoms appear such as cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, headache, muscle pain, diarrhea, vomiting, rhinitis, nasal congestion; or a sudden loss of smell or taste, you must SaltaCovid application, register, report your symptoms and wait for the call from the health care staff. In addition, you can communicate by telephone with the Citizen service line 148.

More than 2,000 deaths from covid

The total number of deaths from covid in the province since the start of the pandemic surpassed 2,000,000 people yesterday, according to the Salta Department of Health, which clarified that the total number of deaths from the disease reached exactly 2002 people.

Since the start of the pandemic 72,940 cases have already been confirmed in the province, of which 64,193 people have already recovered, representing 88%.

Yesterday, the Health portfolio reported that in the past 24 hours 490 new cases have been reported in the province, of which 463 correspond to samples processed by the laboratory and 27 defined by clinical epidemiological criteria.

During this period, 502 outpatient consultations were received from symptomatic patients compatible with covid-19.

On Thursday 22, 1,745 tests were notified, of which 384 gave a positive result, which represents 22% of positivity.

Yesterday, 211 patients were admitted to intensive care units and 111 on mechanical ventilation.

In the departement Capital city 228 infections were recorded, while in neighboring departments, Cerrillos accumulated 13; Chicoana, 5; General Güemes, 7; Guachipas, 2; The Caldera, 11; The vineyard, 2 and Rosario de Lerma, 13.

In the southern zone, meanwhile, Rosario de la Frontera reported 3 cases; Methane, 9 positive; The Candelaria, 5 and Anta, 45.

In the region of Calchaquíes Valleys and the Feedback, department Cachi recorded 8 infections; Cafayate, 28; Iruya, 8; Apple, 1; Mills, 5; Saint-Charles, 3 and Sainte-Victoria, 3.

In the north, Rivadavia confirmed 7 cases; Oran, 26 and San Martin, 58.


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