They confirmed the identity of one of the deadly victims of the Miami collapse: Stacie Fang, a 54-year-old woman


A 54-year-old woman was the first death identified in a building collapse in Miami (PHOTO: REUTERS)
A 54-year-old woman was the first death identified in a building collapse in Miami (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Stacie Fang, 54, has been identified as the first victim of the landslide of building in Miami Beach. Wife She was the mother of 15-year-old Jonah Handler, who was rescued from the rubble shortly after the structure collapsed. The image of Handler being aided by the rescue corps has been captured in videos which now they went around the world.

Although no other details are known about the woman, it has been learned that her son is stable and out of danger. The young man is a 10th grade student at Monsignor Edward Pace High School in Miami Gardens and is a member of the school’s baseball team.

Moment of rescue of Jonah Handler, son of Stacie Fang, recorded

Relatives of Croc, issued a statement in which They requested confidentiality due to the fact.

There are no words to describe the tragic loss of our beloved Stacie. The members of the Fang and Handler family wish to express our deepest gratitude for the great amount of sympathy, compassion and support we have received, “ says the message published in various American media.

“The many sincere words of encouragement and love have been a much needed source of strength during this devastating time. On behalf of Stacie’s son, Jonah, we now ask you to respect our privacy to cry and try to help each other heal, ”concludes the text signed by the Fang Handler family.

Stacie Fang's relatives demanded respect and privacy
Stacie Fang’s family members demanded respect and privacy

Two days of rescue

The partial collapse of a building of 12 factories in Miami on Thursday left as a result at least four dead and 159 missing, according to official information available to date, and caused a huge deployment of first responders to the incident area.

The event happened around 2 a.m. (local time) on Thursday, between the streets 88 Yes Collins Avenue at Surfside, near Miami Beach, in a building that is part of the complex Champlain towers. There, the firefighters have been carrying out an imposing search and rescue operation for more than 24 hours..

Authorities confirmed the deaths of four people, but still they did not detail the possible causes of the collapse.

Relatives of the missing have posted their photos, hoping they can be located soon.
Relatives of the missing have posted their photos, hoping they can be located soon.

Police closed nearby streets, and dozens of rescue vehicles and firefighters, ambulances and police flooded the scene. The landslide raised a cloud of dust that swept through the neighborhood and blanketed cars on the street, even two blocks away.

31 Latin Americans

At least 31 of 159 citizens disappeared after the collapse of a building in Surfside on Thursday, near Miami, they are Latin Americans, informed consular sources.

One Chilean, three Uruguayans, six Paraguayans, nine Argentines, six Venezuelans and six Colombians They were reported missing after the property collapsed, according to the country’s consulates in Miami and other sources consulted.

Read on

The collapsed building in Miami featured a “very subtle” collapse in the 1990s.
Horror, debris and tears: What photographers saw at the collapse site in 22 dramatic images
Miami collapse: Gov. Ron DeSantis says it is necessary to find “a definitive explanation for what happened”

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