They connect Los Monos with two attacks


Houses belonging to a judge were shot

ROSARIO.- Two other attacks took place last night against houses linked to Judge Marisol Usandizaga, who was part of the court that sentenced Los Monos on 9 April. With these two attacks, in which 24 9-millimeter bullets were used, against houses linked to the magistrate, who is the daughter of the former radical steward of Rosario Horacio Usandizaga, eight intimidations have been reported in recent weeks against occupied houses where they were inhabited by judicial officials and investigators who participated in the case that led Los Monos to prison.

The bullets struck two buildings in the center of Rosario. The first attack took place in Dorrego in 1615. According to sources of investigation at the NATION, the attack was reportedly carried out from motorcycles, which fired 17 bullets against the building, that s & rsquo; call Marisol, like the judge.

in fact, according to investigative sources reported to this newspaper, is the same as the attacks against Judge Manfrín. Therefore, it is studied as part of the same wave of attacks. The magistrate had her offices there, where she worked as a lawyer.

A little after 22 there was another attack, which the investigators also linked to the succession of attacks. In this case, the intimidation occurred at Zeballos, at 3 pm, in a building where a gunsmith lives and acts as a ballistics expert in court cases. This address reportedly belonged to Usandizaga

The current vice president of Rosario Central, Ricardo Carloni, is one of the presidential candidates for this club.

The saga of the attacks began on May 29, when Several shots hit properties that belonged to Judge Ismael Manfrín, who together with Usandizaga and María Isabel Más Varela joined the court that sentenced Ramón Machuca, aka Monchi, to 37 years in prison, and Máximo Ariel Cantero, 22, alias Guille, chief of the narco band

The chief of Los Monos is currently detained in the federal criminal unit No. 7 of Resistencia, where he was transferred by order of the federal courts a few hours after this attack.

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