They convicted 13-year-old girl for killing driver by crashing car he stole


A girl under 14 pleaded guilty to murder in second year in attack on UberEats driver Mohamed anwar, 66, died in March after two teenagers 13 and 15 years old, assaulted the man with a stun gun, stole his vehicle with him hanging from the driver’s door, then crashed Washington DC, United States.

The detective Chad Lion The DC Police Homicide Unit confirmed that one of the girls told them she wanted to steal a car. Attackers sneaked into Anwar’s vehicle at the metro station Arsenal, armed with a stun gun.

Later, a witness saw the 15-year-old in the driver’s seat, while the 13-year-old was sitting in the passenger seat seconds before the crash. One of them accused Mohammad of stealing his cell phone.

You have my cell phone!“He screamed, according to the witness, while Anwar was out of the car. He forced her back into the car and the young woman climbed into the driver’s seat, then “tweaked the gear lever,” Leo said, hanging Anwar from the open window on the driver’s side.

CAUTION: Explicit images. As two teenagers kidnap UberEats driver Mohammad Anwar, who died in the crash that followed.

After the theft came the accident

As can be seen from the images captured by one of the witnesses, the car moved a few blocks with the hanged man, then crash.

Two members of the National Guard at the scene assisted the girls, after they they pointed out to passers-by that the car belonged to them. Rescuers found seriously injured Anwar on the sidewalk and alerted the two women to be behind the robbery. The man was taken to hospital, where he died of the high impact.

The 15-year-old, who has since turned 16, pleaded guilty in May to a felony of homicide and agreed to a plea deal in which prosecutors dropped various charges against him, including armed hijacking, aggravated reckless driving and theft.

This week the other girl, now 14, pleaded guilty to second degree murder. Washington DC Juvenile Court Judge, Lynn leibovitz, sentenced the teenager to serve a sentence in a juvenile center until she was 21 years old.

In the picture you can see Anwar’s resuscitation maneuvers. (Twitter capture @shomastone)

He showed no remorse after his arrest

If you gave me my fucking phone, would you still be alivebut no, you want to take my phone in your pocket, ”whispered the teenager after his arrest.

The young woman’s lawyer, Coury Mascagni, said his client has since expressed regret for his actions. However, the prosecution reminded the court that the teenager showed no remorse after the incident and pressured her friend to continue driving after the victim asked for help.

“When Mr. Anwar called for help and passers-by came, she chose to lie about the car it was,” the prosecutor said. “He chose to take the wheel, chose to start the car, repeatedly chose to tell the other girl to leave”.

Mascagni asked the judge to release the teenager when she turns 18, but Leibovitz imposed the maximum possible penalty for the crime under the Juvenile Act.

Anwar was an immigrant from Pakistan who worked at Uber Eats to help support his family. His relatives described him as their “main financial provider”.


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