They could execute this year the Cordovan sentenced to death in the United States


Saldaño has been on the death row for 24 years, the home of convicted prisoners. He was sentenced in 1995 for the murder of a man during a robbery.

The Argentine state interceded for the extradition of Saldaño, but lawyer Juan Carlos Vega, who represents Saldaño before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), revealed that could be executed in November.

Saldaño he heard the news of his former lawyer in the United States, Jonhatan MillerHe then shared this information with his mother, Lidia Guerrero, who went to see him at the Texas jail where he is staying, the site said. Chain 3.

But Vega had already planned that Guerrero and he will not appeal the last instance. "We will not ask for clemency for the simple reason that would recognize that the United States did a fair trial"condemned for" the only case in the history of the inter-American human rights system in which an innocent will be executed ".

The United States recognizes the validity of the IACHR, the court that "said the two death sentences were nil"As Vega indicated," when that happens, the presumption of innocence is reborn, "he added.

Therefore, in the absence of a new trial in which Saldaño's guilt is unequivocally proven, the judge of Cordoba should be removed from the "death corridor".


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