They create a device to prevent apnea and snoring



Through 3D printing, the Spaniards realized an oral device whereby the person stops breathing for a few seconds [19659005] Spanish researchers have devised a mathematical method for the use of 3D printing to make an oral appliance that prevents sleep apnea, a sleep disorder in which the person stops breathing for a few seconds, in addition to snoring. This was reported by the University of Malaga (UMA), in southern Spain, in a press release on Thursday.

The device aims to advance the habitual position of the jaw while the person sleeps, so it facilitates "the airflow during the hours of sleep," said the statement. the opening of the airways is improved and snoring is avoided at the same time as the transient suspension of breathing, "notes the note.

The results of the research, which was carried out by researchers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the UMA in collaboration with the Ortoplus orthodontic company, were published in the journal "Mechanism and Machine Theory." The main contribution of this work, according to the University, is that each device is designed in a personalized way.

To elaborate, an x-ray is made to obtain the morphological data of each person and this is combined with a kinematic badysis, which studied the jaw and "offers parameters capable of predicting its movement, especially during the rest phases," says the note.

"Data such as advanced measures or recession of the jaw with closed mouth respectively, or is the maximum mouth opening, are essential to develop an effective device and with guarantees "said Alex Bataller, researcher at UMA and one of the makers of the work.

The UMA explained that this device uses two symmetrical parts called cams that aim to let the jaw move as it normally does and, at the same time, prevent it from recoiling in case of failure. opening of the mouth during breathing. "In this way, the directed mobility of the jaw is guaranteed," adds Bataller

. This is important because, according to the researcher, it allows the system to not give suffocation or lack of autonomy to patients. "These are some of the major complaints against the current systems that exist on the market for those who use these conventional devices," said Bataller.

For now, tests done by researchers on patients with sleep problems have been positive Now scientists are still working on the project looking for biocompatible materials that are an alternative to plastic, the main component used today for this clbad of devices.

"For use, this compound acquires a yellowish tone and in contact with the mouth, an average of eight hours a day causes accelerated wear, therefore we test with other synthetic materials or Of different organic origin of the plastic that has a longer shelf life and are free of hazards during implantation or in contact with living tissue, in this case the mouth "explains Juan Cabrera, co-author of the work

Source of information: CNN

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