They create a machine that changes the broken glass of the mobile phone


This is gTool DRS, it is marketed by Black Rock Mobile and its creator is the American engineer Vincent Gioffre. The process consists of a first machine that freezes the glbad screen to separate it from the phone. It is equipped with a Stirling engine, helium-based, which reaches temperatures of -180 ºC and consumes 120W.

According to Gioffre, it takes 3 minutes to detach the glbad panel from a Samsung and 8 minutes to separate one from an iPhone. In some phones, the panel goes out alone and in others, you have to use a spatula. For the rest, the machine is autonomous and does not require maintenance (the helium gas is recharged with an external compressor).

Machine arragla glbad-cell-page-20-2.jpg

To fix the new glbad to the panel, a second machine ("laminator") is used. It combines vacuum, heat and pressure to fix the entire screen (press the glbad of the original panel to paste it). An application controls the pressure and the appropriate time according to each model of phone.

The laminator takes 8 to 10 minutes to complete the process. The complete system – both machines and the compressor – costs around 10,000 euros. Black Rock is selling at cost because its business model is actually to distribute broken phone parts to the companies that repair the screens. Each glbad costs around 10 euros and if you do not use the specific mark, the machine is blocked remotely.

Why would a mobile phone repair company abandon the independence of its business in exchange for this new system? According to Black Rock, changing a crystal costs a lot less than a complete screen, not to mention that the quality of the original LCD is superior. In short, for repair companies, the margins in the arrangements are much higher and the quality of the result that they also offer.

New invention under the sleeve

Black Rock also has a third machine and is the first in the world to change the rear window of new iPhones, a replacement that at Apple costs 60% of the value of the equipment. Instead of fixing it, they give the customer a refurbished phone.


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