They create a vaginal gel to be able to choose the sex of babies | Chronic


A new scientific discovery paves the way for the development of a treatment, with an affordable and affordable technology that allows you to choose the gender of the baby without any restrictions.

Masayuki Shimada from Hiroshima University, Japan, is the author of this method which allows to separate with a chemical compound sperm that could give birth to a baby, those that would lead to the birth of a baby.

This treatment slows down the speed of the sperm carrying the chromosome "X" (girls) and, for example, gives an advantage to the owners of "Y" reach the egg and promote the birth of babies.

The researchers first tested this technique with a mouse spermatozoon and found that the "Swimmers" faster leads to the birth of 90 percent of male puppies. Whereas when they used the "slow", the offspring was 81% female, as reported in the journal PLOS Biology.

Until now, the discovery has only been tested in mice, sheep and pork. It has not been tried with human sperm, but Japanese scientists believe that it could also work in our species as in other mammals.

Impact on society

Unlike the methods used by badisted reproduction clinics, the Japanese system is so simple that it could lead to the marketing of badl gels or foams for domestic use.

Then, instead of using the chemical compound to select the fastest or slowest sperm before insemination, it would be sufficient to make a gel or foam with this compound. It would be applied to the inside of the bad before intercourse to increase the chances of conceiving a baby. Therefore, the Japanese technique opens a strong debate about the social impact of its use.

Nature, by itself to a balance of the bades. In most mammals, almost as many women as men are born because half of the sperm of the ejaculate contains the chromosome. "Y" or the chromosome "X". If this large-scale treatment was used, this balance could be broken. In China and India, the selective abortion of women has already shown how this harmonic proportion can be modified.

This badl application treatment is still far from being marketed. "We still have several scientific steps to go through before we get it"highlights Manuel Fernandez, medical director of the Valencian Institute of Fertility (IVI) of Seville. "After this publication, it will clearly be easier to develop a badl gel for this purpose and use it at home.It is possible, but not yet feasible.Yes we could use it. advanced Japanese in a technique of badisted procreation ", says the expert.

Other alternatives

The safest formula for choosing the bad of the future child is preimplantation diagnosis, a technique used to look for genetic abnormalities in the embryo, which also lets you know if you are a woman or a student man. ; DNA. The disadvantage of this pathway is that it is expensive and invasive, that a biopsy must be performed on the embryo and that it forces the couple to undergo fertility treatment in the first place. vitro. However, it would be very helpful for couples with fertility problems who are already forced to go through this process.

For the rest, there is another option easier, but with worse results. This pathway is the most similar to the new Japanese system: it separates spermatozoa with male genetic load from females. It is made with a harmless and fluorescent chemical dye. Scientists color sperm and expose it to ultraviolet light.

The technique is based on the fact that the only distinction between a sperm that is more likely to reproduce a male, with a majority of chromosomes, "Y" (male) and another that carries more chromosomes "X" (female) is that the former has less percentage of genetic material. The brighter the flash, the more the father's sperm contains DNA, which facilitates the separation of samples of each bad.

After this selection, the woman can be inseminated with the chosen sperm, without having to undergo more complex fertility treatments.


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