They created a crisis committee for an epidemic of bronchiolitis


"There are not more cases than in previous years but more virulence" said the province's health minister, Mario Kohan. More than 20 years ago, a similar situation did not occur in La Pampa .

The Ministry of Health has formed a "crisis committee" to deal with an epidemic of bronchiolitis in the province. This situation is repeated in different parts of the country

"There are no more cases than in previous years, but more virulence," said Minister Mario Kohan

The "syncytial virus" of which Kohan has alerted "Very common virus" that causes "mild symptoms similar to those of colds". It may be "more serious in babies, especially among those who are not part of some high-risk groups."

The Minister of Health said that at the time Currently, about 11 children are hospitalized and receive respiratory badistance. "Dr. Lucio Molas" of the capital of the Pampa . The Crisis Committee will operate mainly in the Molas and in the "Gobernador Centeno de General Pico Hospital". More than 20 years ago, a similar situation did not occur in La Pampa.

"The system has responded wonderfully well, we are balanced, but we are at the limit … and from the epidemiological data can continue to go forward in the coming hours " Kohan said.

The minister also stressed the creation of the committee before the "few chances" to direct patients to other provinces. "All the beds in the country are busy … even at Garraham Hospital, where I understand that they were all busy."

How to prevent

Bronchiolitis is a respiratory system infection that exhibits the symptoms of a common cold (excess mucus, nasal congestion and fever), but which is sometimes complicated in infants and other vulnerable groups, making it the isolated disease that causes the most hospitalizations According to Alianza Alianza, a group of entities working in the field of acute respiratory infections that affect the most vulnerable children, one out of four consultation for bronchiolitis ends with the hospitalization of a baby. emotional burden for families and children.

Respiratory infection specialists advise parents to see the doctor when the symptoms of what it seems a cold is aggravated and the cough is persistent, if the child has difficulty breathing or s & # 39; 39 he hears whistling or noises in the chest, when the breathing is agitated and fast, if the baby loses the appetite and rejects the water, if he has drowsiness or rot or if you have bluish lips or fingertips.

With regard to prevention, here are your recommendations:

1- Wash your hands often and always before touching a baby, arriving home and after traveling in transport in common

2- Wash cloth toys and frequently clean surfaces and other toys that are in contact with children's hands and mouths.

3- Avoid tobacco smoke. It is not advisable to smoke or leave any smoking at home as the tobacco components remain in the walls and tissues even after being vented. Nor should smoking near them in open spaces.

4- Change clothes when you arrive home if you have been to a place where you have smoked or smoked and ask caregivers to do so.

5 – Ventilate the house every day, especially if there are patients with cold or flu symptoms, and make sure it's neither cold nor cold. very hot.

6- Avoid agglomerations and environments conducive to infection, such as hospitals, health centers, public transportation.

7- Use disposable tissues to reduce infections.

8- In case of sneezing or coughing, bring the inside of the elbow to the mouth rather than the hand.

9- Lengthen the lactation 10- Evaluate with the doctor the merits of the application of a vaccine (it is an immunological treatment for intrahospital use) when the child does part of the groups at risk.

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