They cut flights to Europe and suspended other destinations to prevent entry of new strains


the 20% of the frequencies of passenger flights originating in or destined for European countries until June 25.

In addition, the entry of direct flights from Chile, Brazil and India will continue to be prohibited.Mexico was not included on this occasion.

The measure bears the signature of the Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, and the Ministers of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, and of Health, Carla Vizzotti. for example, “a 20% reduction in the frequency of passenger flights departing from or going to European countries has been introduced”.

The new restrictions were adopted because “in the current epidemiological context, the risk of introducing new, even more transmissible variants, could generate a strong and strong increase in cases, which would inevitably lead to a higher mortality”.

For its part, the Beta variant“It was first isolated in South Africa, where it has its greatest circulation, and some other African countries are affected as well, but mainly Turkey and Malaysia.”

The administrative decision determined that Almost all income in the country will continue to be closed, he said that some of them could be opened “in the event that the governor of a province” proposes it.

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