They demand a life sentence and 30 years imprisonment for Chapo Guzmán | Chronic


The US Attorney's Office has formalized his request for life imprisonment and 30 years imprisonment for Mexican drug trafficking Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán, whose final sentence will be known July 17 before a court in New York.

The prosecutor's office badured that "court should sentence the accused to a sentence following the mandatory minimum sentence of life imprisonment and 30 years of imprisonment".

In addition, he asked El Chapo to pay the required amount within 90 days of the conviction, reported the EFE news agency.

This legal formula of life imprisonment plus 30 years of imprisonment ensures that, if the judge agrees, Chapo will remain in prison for the rest of his life.

On July 5, the prosecutor's office had already asked that the Mexican, convicted of multiple drug trafficking charges, also be seized for nearly $ 13 million.

The sentence of Chapo, sentenced by a jury of ten crimes of drug trafficking, will be read on July 17 to know his conviction.

The Mexican, who remains in a federal prison in Manhattan, considered one of the safest in the United States, was confronted with a three-month judicial process in which he heard 56 witnesses, including former partners and employees, and six days of detention. deliberations, the jury found him guilty.


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